We are life-long learners and real-world practitioners.
We are multi-generational, multi-disciplinary, and multi-experienced.
We don’t take “no” or “impossible!” for an answer.
We are non-profit leaders, coaches, consultants, facilitators, teachers, advocates, pastors, preachers, business leaders, civic leaders, public theologians, faith community leaders, and innovators.
Some of us are parents and spouses. We are sons and daughters, siblings, and friends.
Most of all, we are people who love people and want God’s best for their lives.
Our life experiences bring us to a place that requires a new way of leadership.
We did not find "it" anywhere else, so we created it. Together.
We embody a passion for people.
We are on a mission to create, empower, and equip leaders who are committed to the future - a future full of diversity, inclusion, innovation, trying “the crazy thing,” community, and transformational impact.
We are creating leaders who are looking toward the 22nd century - in life, in community, in church, in partnership, in non-profits, in whatever form your "it" is taking.
We love to discover and gather new and time-transcending best practices.
And we share what we learn to create and apply these practices in innovative ways.
We do this through strategic consultation, focused coaching, and innovative learning WITH (not to or at) individuals, organizations, congregations, and community partners.
- The Smothers Group: Rodney, Jasmine, and Lia